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SHArC - Code modification

Fish species and lifestages

See input defintions.

Changing the structure of Fish.xlsx

The Fish.xlsx workbook is read by the Fish class stored in RiverArchitect/.site_packages/riverpy/ The start rows for reading velocity, depth, substrate, mineral cover and vegetation cover habitat suitability curves from the workbook are hard-coded in the self.parameter_rows dictionary of the Fish class. If rows were deleted or inserted, self.parameter_rows needs to be adapted.

  • "u": row - row needs to correspond to the row number where the flow velocity-related habitat suitability curve starts.

  • "h": row - row needs to correspond to the row number where the flow depth-related habitat suitability curve starts.

  • "substrate": row - row needs to correspond to the row number where the substrate-related (D) habitat suitability curve starts.

  • "cov_min": row - row needs to correspond to the row number where the mineral cover (cobbles and boulders)-related habitat suitability curve starts.

  • "cov_veg": row - row needs to correspond to the row number where the vegetation cover (plants and wood)-related habitat suitability curve starts.

The insertion or deletion of rows can be easily and robustly adapted by changing the above dictionary items. However, changing or deleting columns is more complex because the module is coded in a manner that it can theoretically read an infinite number of fish species, but always limited to the same number of lifestages. Preferably omit non-relevant lifestages (do not put any number). Otherwise, change the code where read columns are relative incremental increases of numeric column values, starting at self.species_row = 2. For example, the "spawning" lifestage is at first place, and therefore, its relative column is 1. The "fry" lifestage is in second place but it needs to jump over an extra column. Therefore, the relative column of "fry" is 3, the relative column of "juvenile" is 5, and the relative column of "adult" is 7. If another lifestage is used for any fish species, it needs to match one of the before mentioned stored in the self.ls_col_add dictionary of the Fish class. For example, the base scenario uses Lamprey fish and an "ammocoetes" lifestage instead of "fry". Therefore, the entry {"ammocoetes": 3} needs to be added to self.ls_col_add. Currently, the following lifestages can be recognized: self.ls_col_add = {"spawning": 1, "fry": 3, "ammocoetes": 3, "juvenile": 5, "adult": 7, "hydrologic year": 1, "season": 3, "depth > x": 5, "velocity > x": 7}. The hard-coded lifestage identification represents a known issue and we are working on improving the freedom in naming lifestages.