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The development of River Architect follows the Zen of Python, also known as PEP20.

	>>> import this
	The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters

	Beautiful is better than ugly.
	Explicit is better than implicit.
	Simple is better than complex.
	Complex is better than complicated.
	Flat is better than nested.
	Sparse is better than dense.
	Readability counts.
	Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
	Although practicality beats purity.
	Errors should never pass silently.
	Unless explicitly silenced.
	In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
	There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
	Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
	Now is better than never.
	Although never is often better than *right* now.
	If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
	If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
	Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

The River Architect Wiki for developers assumes a basic understanding of Python3, object-oriented programming, the markdown language and basics in HTML. In order to ensure quality, we test and debug new code before pushing it, and we run spell checkers before updating the Wiki (albeit we cannot guarantee that the writing is 100 percent correct, we do our best).

Add a module to River Architect


New modules or code modifications should be pushed to the program repository (read more about using git).

River Architect has currently five master tabs (or modules) and three of them have slave-tabs (sub-modules): Lifespan, Morphology, and Ecohydraulics. The development of a new module or sub-module follows the same standards and varies only in the way how the tab is finally bound in the River Architect master GUI. For creating a new (sub) module, do the following:

  1. Have a look at River Architect (see folder and file structure) and think about the capacities that the new module should have, and how it can be fitted in the existing framework (think twice before adding a new master tab).
  2. Clone the template repository: git clone
  3. Frome the cloned repository, copy the folder RiverArchitect/development/moduleTEMPLATE/ to RiverArchitect/moduleTEMPLATE/.
  4. Rename RiverArchitect/moduleTEMPLATE/ to RiverArchitect/NEW_MODULE_NAME/ (obviously, replace NEW_MODULE_NAME with the name of the new module).
  5. Edit and add the module files RiverArchitect/NEW_MODULE_NAME/ and -- (see below descriptions of the module template).
  6. Bind the new module to the River Architect master GUI (see below descriptions for binding a new module to the River Architect master GUI).

Working with the module template

The River Architect development repository provides template file for creating a new module in the moduleTEMPLATE/ directory:

  • is a template of the actual GUI that will be shown in the new tab.
  • is a template for writing new classes using geospatial analysis with

Inline comments guide through the scripts and their dependencies. Both scripts load all functions and load most of the required packages from RiverArchitect/.site_packages/riverpy/


The script contains tkinter classes to build the tab GUI. The first class is a PopUpWindow that may be useful for inquiring complex user input (e.g., calculate a value). A good example of using complex user input within River Architect is the River Builder input file creator.

class PopUpWindow(object):
    def __init__(self, master):

The most relevant template class here is class MainGui(sg.RaModuleGui), which inherits the tab-slave class RaModuleGui from RiverArchitect/ All tabs must inherit RiverArchitect/slave_gui.RaModuleGui, no matter if this will be a master or a slave tab. As such, all tabs inherit the following class variables (relevant variables only are listed here):

  • self.condition is a STR of a condition contained in RiverArchitect/01_Conditions/
  • self.features is a cDef.FeatureDefinitions() object resulting from RiverArchitect/LifespanDesign/.templates/threshold_values.xlsx (read more about features)
  • self.reaches is a cDef.ReachDefinitions() object resulting from RiverArchitect/ModifyTerrain/.templates/computation_extents.xlsx (read more about river reaches)
  • self.units is a STR variable, which is either us (US customary) or si (SI Metric)
  • self.ww is an INT variable defining the tab window width
  • self.wh is an INT variable defining the tab window height
  • self.wx is an INT variable defining the tab window x-position
  • self.wy is an INT variable defining the tab window y-position
  • self.xd is an INT variable defining the x-pad (pixel space around tkinter objects)
  • self.yd is an INT variable defining the y-pad (pixel space around tkinter objects)

Moreover, the RaModuleGui class automatically creates a "Units" and a "Close" dropdown menu.

The MainGui(sg.RaModuleGui) class header (__init__() function) looks like this:

class MainGui(sg.RaModuleGui):
    def __init__(self, from_master):
        sg.RaModuleGui.__init__(self, from_master)
        self.ww = 800  # window width
        self.wh = 840  # window height
        self.title = "TEMPLATE"         # <---------------------- SET MODULE NAME HERE, BUT DO NOT CHANGE CLASS NAME
        self.set_geometry(self.ww, self.wh, self.title)
		# ... tkinter examples

We recommend modifying the __init__() function of new modules starting with the self.ww and self.wh variables, which define the tab window width and height in pixels, respectively (try to avoid values larger than 1000 pixels). Most important and required edits are:

  • the file name (rename to something like, and
  • the window title defined with the self.title variable (see above code snippet, where "TEMPLATE" should be renamed to something like "New Module").

Below self.title variable, the template provides some examples for using tkinter objects such as labels, listboxes with scroll bars, buttons, checkbuttons, and drop-down menus. For tkinter beginners, we recommend to carefully explore different tkinter objects (read more).

The MainGui.run_calculation() function illustrates the implementation of a geospatial calculator class (see

    def run_calculation(self):
        Trigger a calculation with cTEMPLATE.TEMPLATE()
        geo_calc_object = cTEMPLATE.TEMPLATE()

        # inquire input raster name
        dir2raster = askopenfilename(initialdir=".", title="Select input GeoTIFF raster",
                                     filetypes=[('GeoTIFF', '*.tif;*.tiff')])
        result = geo_calc_object.use_spatial_analyst_function(dir2raster)
        geo_calc_object.clear_cache()  # remove temporary calculation files

        if not(result == -1):
            showinfo("SUCCESS", "The result raster %s has been created." % result)
            showinfo("ERROR", "Something went wrong. Check the logfile and River Architect Troubleshooting Wiki.")

geo_calc_object is a cTEMPLATE.TEMPLATE() object that is locally created in the run_calculation() function. It has a use_spatial_analyst_function that requires an input raster path to apply a (random) ArcGIS Spatial Analyst map algebra expression to that input raster. For this purpose, the MainGui.run_calculation() function asks the user to define an input raster using tkinters’s askopenfilename() function (imported from tkinter.filedialog). The line result = geo_calc_object.use_spatial_analyst_function(dir2raster) passes the selected raster file path (dir2raster) to the geospatial calculation function, which returns a string of the output raster if the calculation was successful (otherwise, it returns -1). After the calculation, an info window pops up (showinfo(WINDOW_NAME, MESSAGE) imported from tkinter.messagebox) and informs about the calculation success.

The MainGui.set_value() function illustrates the usage of the above mentioned PopUpWindow class (in the same file to modify a value. The usage in the template is somewhat meaningless; a more reasonable value modification can be found in the Lifespan Design module where the user can modify the Manning’s n roughness value (see applicaton).

    def set_value(self):
        sub_frame = PopUpWindow(self.master)
        value = float(sub_frame.value)
        showinfo("INFO", "You entered %s (whatever...)." % str(value))

The MainGui.set_value() function creates a sub-frame by instantiating a PopUpWindow object with MainGui as master. While the PopUpWindow is open, the main window waits for user input in the PopUpWindow (self.master.wait_window( After closing the window, the function retrieves the user-defined value with value = float(sub_frame.value). Finally, an info window pops up (showinfo(WINDOW_NAME, MESSAGE) imported from tkinter.messagebox) and recalls the user-defined value (well, this is trivial here …).


The cTEMPLATE.TEMPLATE() class provides a useful frame for programming geospatial calculations, but none of the template routines is obligatory (in contrast to the above GUI template. For using the template class, make the following adaptations to the code block:

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        # Create a temporary cache folder for, e.g., geospatial analyses; use self.clear_cache() function to delete
        self.cache = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\.cache%s\\" % str(random.randint(10000, 99999))
        chk_dir(self.cache)  # from fGlobal

        # Enable logger
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("logfile")
  • rename the class from TEMPLATE to something meaningful;
  • modify the input arguments of the __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) function.

The cTEMPLATE.TEMPLATE() class initiates a self.logger variable to write calculation progress to a logfile that is created as RiverArchitect/logfile.log when River Architect is called from the main GUI. This logefile should be used at every critical step where erroneous user input may yield wrong or no result. For example, if a user selects a raster file without valid data, the code should detect and tell the user about the problem using precise try-except statements. The cTEMPLATE.TEMPLATE.use_spatial_analyst_function(input_raster_path) function provides an example for the implementation of such behavior:

	try:"  >> loading raster %s ..." % str(input_raster_path))
		in_ras = arcpy.Raster(input_raster_path)
		# go here if the input_raster_path is invalid and write a USEFUL error message"ERROR: Game over ... add this error message to RA_wiki/Troubleshooting")
		return -1	

In this exemplary code snippet, the command" >> loading raster %s ..." % str(input_raster_path)) writes the raster input path to the console window and to the logfile using If the next step fails (i.e., arcpy.Raster() cannot load the provided input_raster_path as raster), the user should be informed. This information is passed recorded in the except: statement with"ERROR: Game over ... add this error message to RA_wiki/Troubleshooting"), which ends with returning -1 (exits the function because the raster is necessary for all other steps). It would be better to use more precise exception rules such as except ValueError:, but we kept the broad “shotgun” approach with except: only because we encountered unexpected exception types using arcpy. A better and future way of error message logging in River Architect will be to use self.logger.error() in the exception statement rather than, which should exclusively be used to log calculation progress. Important is to add error messages, as well as warning messages, to the Troubleshooting Wiki (read more about extending the Wiki). Use warning messages when a function can still work even though a variable assignment error occurred such as when an optional, additional raster is missing.

Finally, every class should close with a call function, where only the TEMPLATE string should be adapted to the new class name:

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # Object call should return class name, file location and class attributes (dir)
        print("Class Info: <type> = TEMPLATE (%s)" % os.path.dirname(__file__))

More features of the template are provided with the inline comments in

Binding a new tab (module) to the River Architect master GUI

New modules need to be bound to the master GUI, either as master-tab or as slave-tab. Both need to added to the RiverArchitect/ script in the RA_gui class’s __init__() function.

Binding a New Module with or without submodules

Assuming a new master tab with the name NEW MODULE, optionally with *New Sub Modules, should to be added, which is located in RiverArchitect/NewModule/ (or submodules in RiverArchitect/NewSubModule1/ and RiverArchitect/NewSubModule2/, respectively), the following variables need to be complemented (attention: the list order is important - new modules should only be appended at the end of lists):

  • self.tab_names = ['Get Started', 'Lifespan', 'Morphology', 'Ecohydraulics', 'Project Maker', 'NEW MODULE']
  • For adding slave (sub) tabs with names NEW SUB1 and NEW SUB2: + self.sub_tab_parents = ['Lifespan', 'Morphology', 'Ecohydraulics', 'NEW MODULE'] + self.sub_tab_names = [['Lifespan Design', 'Max Lifespan'], ['Modify Terrain', 'Volume Assessment'], ['Habitat Area (SHArC)', 'Stranding Risk'], ['NEW SUB1', 'NEW SUB2', ... and so on]]
  • self.tab_dir_names + No sub tabs: self.tab_dir_names= ['\\GetStarted\\', ['\\LifespanDesign\\', '\\MaxLifespan\\'], ['\\ModifyTerrain\\', '\\VolumeAssessment\\'], ['\\SHArC\\', '\\StrandingRisk\\'], '\\ProjectMaker\\', '\\NewModule\\'] + With sub tabs located in RiverArchitect/NewSubModule1/ and RiverArchitect/NewSubModule2/, respectively: self.tab_dir_names = ['\\GetStarted\\', ['\\LifespanDesign\\', '\\MaxLifespan\\'], ['\\ModifyTerrain\\', '\\VolumeAssessment\\'], ['\\SHArC\\', '\\StrandingRisk\\'], '\\ProjectMaker\\', ['\\NewSubModule1\\', '\\NewSubModule2\\']]
  • self.tab_list + No sub tabs: self.tab_list= [GetStarted.welcome_gui.MainGui(self.tab_container), ttk.Notebook(self.tab_container), ttk.Notebook(self.tab_container), ttk.Notebook(self.tab_container), ProjectMaker.project_maker_gui.MainGui(self.tab_container), NewModule.new_module_gui.MainGui(self.tab_container)] + With sub tabs: self.tab_list= [GetStarted.welcome_gui.MainGui(self.tab_container), ttk.Notebook(self.tab_container), ttk.Notebook(self.tab_container), ttk.Notebook(self.tab_container), ProjectMaker.project_maker_gui.MainGui(self.tab_container), ttk.Notebook(self.tab_container)]
  • With sub tabs: self.sub_tab_list = [[LifespanDesign.lifespan_design_gui.FaGui(self.tabs['Lifespan']), MaxLifespan.action_gui.ActionGui(self.tabs['Lifespan'])], [ModifyTerrain.modify_terrain_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Morphology']), VolumeAssessment.volume_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Morphology'])], [SHArC.sharc_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Ecohydraulics']), StrandingRisk.connect_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Ecohydraulics'])], [NewSubModule1.new_sub1_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['NEW SUB1']), NewSubModule2.new_sub2_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['NEW SUB2'])]]

Binding a New Sub-Module to an existing module

The following list indicates variables to be modified when a new sub-module (slave or sub-tab) is added to an existing module. The example assumes the creation of a sub-tab called RiverCreator to the Morphology module.

  • Verify that the Morphology tab is mentioned in self.sub_tab_parents = ['Lifespan', 'Morphology', 'Ecohydraulics', 'NEW MODULE']
  • Add RIVER CREATOR to the second nested list in self.sub_tab_names = [['Lifespan Design', 'Max Lifespan'], ['Modify Terrain', 'Volume Assessment', 'RIVER CREATOR'], ['Habitat Area (SHArC)', 'Stranding Risk']]; the second nested list must be chosen because Morphology is the second item in self.sub_tab_parents
  • Assuming that the new module is located in RiverArchitect/RiverCreator, modify self.tab_dir_names = ['\\GetStarted\\', ['\\LifespanDesign\\', '\\MaxLifespan\\'], ['\\ModifyTerrain\\', '\\VolumeAssessment\\', '\\RiverCreator\\'], ['\\SHArC\\', '\\StrandingRisk\\'], '\\ProjectMaker\\', ['\\NewSubModule1\\', '\\NewSubModule2\\']]
  • Withe the asumption that the new River Creator GUI is located in RiverArchitect/RiverCreator/, modify self.sub_tab_list = [[LifespanDesign.lifespan_design_gui.FaGui(self.tabs['Lifespan']), MaxLifespan.action_gui.ActionGui(self.tabs['Lifespan'])], [ModifyTerrain.modify_terrain_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Morphology']), VolumeAssessment.volume_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Morphology']), RiverCreator.rc_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['River Creator'])], [SHArC.sharc_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Ecohydraulics']), StrandingRisk.connect_gui.MainGui(self.tabs['Ecohydraulics'])]]

Please do not forget to update the wiki and test new code!

Full list of folders and files

This is the full list of files and folders in the RiverArchitect/program repository. Please update after adding or deleting files. The file list can be generated (in Windows) with PowerShell: Enter Get-ChildItem -Path D:\path-to-local-copy-of-RiverArchitect\program -Recurse and copy-paste the comand line output.

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:38 AM                .github
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                .site_packages
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                00_Flows
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                01_Conditions
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                02_Maps
d-----       11/22/2019  10:17 AM                StrandingRisk
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                docs
d-----       11/19/2019  12:40 PM                GetStarted
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                LifespanDesign
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                MaxLifespan
d-----        10/2/2019   9:57 AM                ModifyTerrain
d-----        11/5/2019   1:57 PM                ProjectMaker
d-----        10/2/2019   9:57 AM                SHArC
d-----       11/25/2019   1:04 PM                Tools
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                VolumeAssessment
-a----       11/13/2019   8:47 AM             22 .gitignore
-a----         9/4/2019   5:04 PM           1540 LICENSE
-a----       11/22/2019  10:17 AM           6458
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5856
-a----        11/4/2019  12:33 PM          11594
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            619 Start_River_Architect.bat

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:38 AM                ISSUE_TEMPLATE

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:38 AM            834
-a----        7/26/2019  11:38 AM            126
-a----        7/26/2019  11:38 AM            595

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                openpyxl
d-----       11/19/2019  12:40 PM                riverpy
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                templates
-a----        7/26/2019  11:38 AM             23


Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           7131
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4141
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5840
-a----       11/19/2019  12:40 PM          19563
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12334
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2550
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2470
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          10583
-a----       11/18/2019   2:11 PM          23510
-a----         8/6/2019   8:03 AM           2899
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           9290
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4245
-a----        9/17/2019  10:03 AM          21388
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            120

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          70862 code_icon.ico
-a----       11/19/2019  11:35 AM            134 credits.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           6172 empty.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          34208 Fish.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          40751 morphological_units.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            164 oups.txt

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                InputFlowSeries
d-----       11/21/2019   6:10 PM                templates
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             38

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM         252121 flow_series_example_data.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       11/21/2019   6:10 PM         188246 disc_freq_template.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM         205163 flow_duration_template.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          15163 flow_return_period_template.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                none
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM       13258925
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            208

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            111 info.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             60

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                templates

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Index
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                legend
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                rasters
d-----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM                river_template.gdb
d-----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM                scratch.gdb
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                symbology
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM         475672 river_template.aprx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4096 river_template.tbx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                river_map_template
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                river_template
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Thumbnail

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             75 log.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             20 segments.gen
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            200 segments_2
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           1509 _0.cfs

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             71 log.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             20 segments.gen
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2580 segments_12
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2075 segments_z
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            977 _10.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           6183 _m.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            673 _n.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              9 _n_1.del
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            807 _o.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            688 _p.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              9 _p_1.del
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            837 _q.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            688 _r.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              9 _r_1.del
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            805 _s.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            688 _t.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              9 _t_1.del
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            849 _u.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            789 _v.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            805 _w.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            804 _x.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            737 _y.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              9 _y_1.del
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            973 _z.cfs
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              9 _z_1.del

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              0 indx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4208 layers.jpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5833 layers12.jpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5611 layers2.jpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           6006 layers22.jpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5851 layers32.jpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4823 layers5.jpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5789 layers7.jpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4346 map.jpg

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM        1120768 legend.ServerStyle
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM        1622016

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_bio_s0
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_elj_dwc
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_finese_d15
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_finese_d85
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_sidec
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_sidech110
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_sym_d
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                ds_widen
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                lf_sym
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           1400 ds_bio_s0.aux.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           1383 ds_elj_dwc.aux.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           1413 ds_finese_d15.aux.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           1387 ds_finese_d85.aux.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           1487 ds_sidec.aux.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           1407 ds_sidech110.aux.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           2335 ds_sym_D.aux.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM            504 ds_widen.aux.xml
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM        1274552 layout_lf.xml
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM           2316 lf_sym.aux.xml

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            358 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          98486 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            428 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            170 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          49286 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            236 w001001x.adf

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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            170 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          98486 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            428 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            170 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          49286 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            236 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM            358 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              8 vat.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           1662 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            428 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            358 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          49286 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            236 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM            358 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          32886 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            172 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            358 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              8 vat.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          98486 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            428 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 dblbnd.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            308 hdr.adf
-a----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM            358 prj.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 sta.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          98486 w001001.adf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            428 w001001x.adf

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            110 a00000001.gdbindexes
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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2055 a00000002.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000002.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             42 a00000003.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            525 a00000003.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000003.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.CatItemsByPhysicalName.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.CatItemsByType.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.FDO_UUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            310 a00000004.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           1712 a00000004.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000004.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.spx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000005.CatItemTypesByName.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000005.CatItemTypesByParentTypeID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000005.CatItemTypesByUUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            296 a00000005.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2074 a00000005.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000005.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByDestinationID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByOriginID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByType.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.FDO_UUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            318 a00000006.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            190 a00000006.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 a00000006.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByBackwardLabel.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByDestItemTypeID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByForwardLabel.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByName.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByOriginItemTypeID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByUUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            602 a00000007.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           3479 a00000007.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000007.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              4 gdb
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            400 timestamps

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            110 a00000001.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            302 a00000001.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000001.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000001.TablesByName.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2055 a00000002.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000002.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             42 a00000003.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            525 a00000003.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000003.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.CatItemsByPhysicalName.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.CatItemsByType.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.FDO_UUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            310 a00000004.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           1712 a00000004.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000004.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000004.spx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000005.CatItemTypesByName.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000005.CatItemTypesByParentTypeID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000005.CatItemTypesByUUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            296 a00000005.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2074 a00000005.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000005.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByDestinationID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByOriginID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByType.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000006.FDO_UUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            318 a00000006.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            190 a00000006.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             32 a00000006.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByBackwardLabel.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByDestItemTypeID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByForwardLabel.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByName.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByOriginItemTypeID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByUUID.atx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            602 a00000007.gdbindexes
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           3479 a00000007.gdbtable
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5152 a00000007.gdbtablx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              4 gdb
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            400 timestamps

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           7666 LifespanRasterSymbology.lyrx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        8/20/2019  12:22 PM                .templates
-a----       11/21/2019   6:10 PM          28031
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-a----       11/19/2019  12:40 PM          12408
-a----       11/19/2019  12:40 PM           4199
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             84

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        8/20/2019  12:22 PM         191729 disconnected_area_template.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           7504
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            802

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4387
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-a----        8/20/2019  12:22 PM          19556
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           3542
-a----       10/30/2019   4:27 PM           4851
-a----        11/4/2019  10:43 AM          10762
-a----       10/30/2019   4:27 PM          18197
-a----        9/17/2019  10:19 AM           7493
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4329
-a----        9/17/2019  10:19 AM          13449
-a----       10/30/2019   4:27 PM           6226
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             80

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM         143253 welcome.gif

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       11/25/2019   6:43 PM                .templates
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Output
-a----       10/24/2019   2:47 PM          53673
-a----       10/29/2019   6:17 PM          10816
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           5776
-a----       10/23/2019   3:48 PM          16584
-a----       11/25/2019   4:10 PM          21688
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            113

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
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-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            773 mapping_full.inp
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          11323 prepare_map_coordinates.xlsx
-a----       11/25/2019   4:10 PM          23190 threshold_values.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Rasters

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             58

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                .templates
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Output
-a----       11/25/2019   4:11 PM          14301
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           2934
-a----        7/26/2019  10:50 AM          11193
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           3558
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            102

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                rasters
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            704 mapping.inp
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          11323 prepare_map_coordinates.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             91 zeros.tfw
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           9445 zeros.tif
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            364 zeros.tif.aux.xml

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Rasters

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                .templates
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Output
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                RiverBuilder
-a----        7/26/2019  10:39 AM          12435
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           1941
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          12125
-a----         8/6/2019   8:03 AM          13861
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           3777 riverbuilder_input_example.txt
-a----        9/17/2019  10:27 AM          15650
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             87

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM         382805 chnl_xs_parameters.gif
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          10681 computation_extents.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM        1024000 determine_extents.mxd
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            593 determine_extents.xml
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            704 mapping.inp
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          11323 prepare_map_coordinates.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Grade
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                RiverBuilder
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Widen

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                messages
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          45428 riverbuilder.r
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           3117

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            537 chnl_xs_pts.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            391 d50.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            730 datum.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             81 dy.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            292 floodplain_outer_height.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            270 h_bf.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            381 length.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            935 sub_curvature.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            285 sub_floodplain_l.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            150 sub_floodplain_r.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            568 sub_meander.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            149 sub_thalweg.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            667 sub_w_bf.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            204 s_valley.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            572 taux.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            300 terrace_outer_height.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           1391 user_functions.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            150 w_bf.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            431 w_bf_min.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            343 w_boundary.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            831 w_floodplain.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            419 w_terrace.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            585 xs_shape.txt
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            553 x_res.txt

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/29/2019   5:48 PM                .templates
-a----        10/2/2019   9:57 AM          10092
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           4245
-a----       11/25/2019   4:13 PM          34810
-a----       11/19/2019   9:32 AM          11784
-a----       11/19/2019   9:43 AM           8778
-a----       10/24/2019   2:19 PM          11928
-a----       11/12/2019   2:21 PM           8488
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            217

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       11/25/2019   4:08 PM                Project_vii_TEMPLATE
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM              5 area_dummy.cpg
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            118 area_dummy.dbf
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            132 area_dummy.sbn
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            116 area_dummy.sbx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            220 area_dummy.shp
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            108 area_dummy.shx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       11/19/2019  10:27 AM                Geodata
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Index
d-----       10/30/2019   5:57 PM                ProjectMaps.gdb
d-----       11/19/2019   9:41 AM                Quantities
-a----        11/7/2019   5:51 PM         203109 ProjectMaps.aprx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           4096 ProjectMaps.tbx
-a----       11/25/2019   4:07 PM          35894 Project_assessment_vii.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----       11/19/2019   9:12 AM                Rasters
d-----       11/19/2019   9:12 AM                Shapefiles
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          20814 SHArea_evaluation_template_si.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          20797 SHArea_evaluation_template_us.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----       11/19/2019   9:12 AM             10

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----       11/19/2019   9:12 AM             10

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        11/5/2019   1:57 PM                ProjectMaps
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Thumbnail

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        4/26/2019  10:18 AM             20 segments.gen
-a----        4/26/2019  10:18 AM           1067 segments_9
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           1122 _1.cfs
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM            633 _2.cfs
-a----        4/26/2019  10:17 AM            669 _3.cfs
-a----        4/26/2019  10:18 AM              9 _3_1.del
-a----        4/26/2019  10:17 AM            812 _4.cfs
-a----        4/26/2019  10:18 AM            708 _5.cfs
-a----        4/26/2019  10:18 AM              9 _5_1.del
-a----        4/26/2019  10:18 AM            806 _6.cfs

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
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-a----        4/26/2019  10:17 AM              0 indx
-a----        4/26/2019  10:18 AM           1827 layers.jpg

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-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           2055 a00000002.gdbtable
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           5152 a00000002.gdbtablx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM             42 a00000003.gdbindexes
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM            525 a00000003.gdbtable
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           5152 a00000003.gdbtablx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000004.CatItemsByPhysicalName.atx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000004.CatItemsByType.atx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000004.FDO_UUID.atx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           8536 a00000004.freelist
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-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM          24787 a00000004.gdbtable
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           5152 a00000004.gdbtablx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000004.spx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM          12310 a00000005.CatItemTypesByName.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           4118 a00000005.CatItemTypesByParentTypeID.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           4118 a00000005.CatItemTypesByUUID.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM            296 a00000005.gdbindexes
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           2074 a00000005.gdbtable
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           5152 a00000005.gdbtablx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByDestinationID.atx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByOriginID.atx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000006.CatRelsByType.atx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           4118 a00000006.FDO_UUID.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM            318 a00000006.gdbindexes
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM            263 a00000006.gdbtable
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           5152 a00000006.gdbtablx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByBackwardLabel.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByDestItemTypeID.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByForwardLabel.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM          12310 a00000007.CatRelTypesByName.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByOriginItemTypeID.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           4118 a00000007.CatRelTypesByUUID.atx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM            602 a00000007.gdbindexes
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           3479 a00000007.gdbtable
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM           5152 a00000007.gdbtablx
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM             66 a00000009.gdbindexes
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM            168 a00000009.gdbtable
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM           5152 a00000009.gdbtablx
-a----        4/26/2019   9:43 AM              4 gdb
-a----       10/25/2019   8:54 AM            400 timestamps

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       11/19/2019   9:12 AM             10

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                .templates
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                CHSI
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                HSI
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                SHArea
-a----       11/21/2019   6:14 PM          38809
-a----       10/22/2019   2:31 PM          32273
-a----        7/26/2019  11:12 AM          17490
-a----       10/30/2019   5:10 PM           9689
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            122

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM         242416 CONDITION_QvsA_template_si.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM         242653 CONDITION_QvsA_template_us.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          17940 CONDITION_sharea_template_si.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          17923 CONDITION_sharea_template_us.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           6172 empty.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                .templates
-a----       11/25/2019   1:05 PM           6547
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           8790
-a----       11/25/2019   1:05 PM           6126
-a----       11/25/2019   1:05 PM           8129
-a----       11/25/2019   1:05 PM           3112
-a----       11/25/2019   1:05 PM           1687
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM           1554
-a----       10/30/2019  12:49 PM           1218
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            137 run_make_annual_flow_duration.bat
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            132 run_make_d2w.bat
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            124 run_make_det.bat
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            124 run_make_det_gen.bat
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            126 run_make_mu.bat
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM            147 run_morphology_designer.bat

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          11618 annual_peak_template.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          20867 flow_duration_template.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          11763 input.xlsx
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          13784 output.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                .templates
d-----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM                Output
-a----       11/21/2019   6:07 PM          10217
-a----        7/26/2019  11:35 AM           7013
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             79

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM          10125 volumes_template.xlsx

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----        7/26/2019  11:39 AM             62