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Volume Change Assessment


The VolumeAssessment module compares two input DEM Rasters and calculates the volumetric change between both Rasters. The assessment produces workbooks containing reach-wise or project-wise volume differences (excavation and fill), terrain change DEMs, and pdf-maps. This chapter explains the module application in the following sections:

Please note that an ArcGIS Pro 3D extension is required for running this module.

Quick GUIde to Volume Assessment

Main window set-up and run

The GUI start-up takes a couple of seconds because the module updates reach information from an external workbook.


To start with the VolumeAssessment module, first, select a reach. The subdivision of the subsequently selected Rasters can be omitted by select IGNORE from the Reaches drop-down menu. Second, select an input DEM Raster (GeoTIFF). Third, select a modified DEM Raster (GeoTIFF) that is to be compared with the input DEM Raster.

Input: Set Reaches

For changing reach definitions, please refer to the reach wiki pages. Keep in mind that changing reach definitions also affects the LifespanDesign and the Modify Terrain modules. A particularity of this module is that it enables running analysis for specific river reaches, which can be renamed and the reach extents can be modified. By default, the module analyzes all reaches which are defined in a spreadsheet stored in /VolumeAssessment/.templates/computation_extents.xlsx.



The Run: Map Maker uses layout files stored in the ArcGIS Pro project file RiverArchitect/02_Maps/templates/river_template.aprx. Running Map Maker for the first time for a CONDITION will produce a copy of the template project file (.aprx) that is stored in RiverArchitect/02_Maps/CONDITION/map_CONDITION_design.aprx. Before the running Map Maker for the first time for a CONDITION , ensure that the background layer points at the good background raster (typically this is RiverArchitect/01_Conditions/CONDITION/back.tif) The relevant layout names for the VolumeAssessment module are:

  • volumes_cust_neg for mapping required excavation (or scour / erosion) of the input DEM to achieve the modified DEM.
  • volumes_cust_pos for mapping required fill (or deposition) in the input DEM to achieve the modified DEM.

The VolumeAssessment module produces maps with the extents of the input raster by default. Refer to the Mapping wiki for more information on map extents, symbology, and legend modifications.


The Run drop-down menu includes the Volume Calculator and the Map Maker options. Please note that the Map Maker is activated only after the Volume Calculator was executed in the current River Architect session. Optionally, the bottom checkbox can be activated for automatically running the map creation with the Volume Calculator.


Because the initial state and modified DEM Rasters may be freely selected and not necessarily correspond to a River Architect Condition, the VolumeAssessment uses PSEUDO_CONDITIONS that are derived from the directory and name of the modified DEM Raster.


The module creates terrain change (volume difference) Rasters in the directory VolumeAssessment/Output/PSEUDO_CONDITION/). Raster names contain a reach identifier (r00, r01, ... r07 corresponding to spreadsheet rows 6–13) when one or several reaches were selected. Otherwise, the Raster names start with a "ras" string. Moreover, the Raster names include an "exc" or "fill" string to indicate excavation (or scour / erosion) and fill, respectively.


The Map Maker (or activated checkbox) produces pdf maps of volume difference Rasters in RiverArchitect/02_Maps/PSEUDO_CONDITION/ (map preparation steps are above described and in the [[Mapping] wiki]).

Workbook (spreadsheets)

The volumetric differences in m3 or cubic yards are reach-wise or Raster-wise written to a workbook in the directory VolumeAssessment/Output/PSEUDO_CONDITION/, where also the output Rasters are located. The workbook template (volumes_template.xlsx) is located in VolumeAssessment/.templates/ and must not be modified. When VolumeAssessment is run for the first time for a PSEUDO_CONDITION, it creates a copy of the workbook template, which is called PSEUDO_CONDITION_volumes.xlsx. VolumeAssessment makes two copies of the template sheet for excavation and fill, respectively. Thus, one of the spreadsheet copies is called excavate_YYYYMMDDHHhMM and lists the reach-wise / Raster-wise excavation volumes in the chosen unit system. The other spreadsheet copy is called fill_YYYYMMDDHHhMM and lists the reach-wise / Raster-wise fill volumes in the chosen unit system. The strings YYYYMMDD and HHhMM indicate the date and time of the program execution. Repeating runs of VolumeAssessment on the same modified DEM will append two more copies (excavate and fill) of the template sheet with the date-time indicator. It is recommended to cut-paste PSEUDO_CONDITION_volumes.xlsx in a VolumeAssessment/Products/ directory after every run to keep results well-arranged and to force the module to create a new PSEUDO_CONDITION_volumes.xlsx file for every run.

Working principles

The modified DEM (PSEUDO_CONDITION) is subtracted from the input DEM to obtain difference DEMs indicating the dz differences in elevation. The module uses a level of change detection lod of 0.99 ft (or 0.305 m) to avoid the consideration of DEM imprecision because of pixel size-averaging (excavation): diff_dem_neg = Con(Abs(input_dem - mod_dem)>= lod, Abs(input_dem - mod_dem), 0.0) (and vice versa for fill).
The excavation and fill volumes result from arcpy’s SurfaceVolume_3d function, which requires an ArcGIS 3D extension:
volume_excavation = arcpy.SurfaceVolume_3d(diff_dem_neg, "", "ABOVE", 0.0, 1.0)
volume_fill = arcpy.SurfaceVolume_3d(diff_dem_pos, "", "ABOVE", 0.0, 1.0)
The volume_... variables are stored in a list that is finally written to the output workbook.

Code modification: Change sensitivity threshold (lod) for terrain modification detection

The lod variable serves for the elimination of virtual terrain differences that may result from pixel sizes and / or Raster transformations (see above explanations). The internal variable name for lod is self.volume_threshold and it is defined in the initiator of the VolumeAssessment class (VolumeAssessment/cVolumeAssessment). The assigned values of 0.99 ft (U.S. customary) or 0.305 m (SI metric) can be changed in class VolumeAssessment() -> def __init__(self, ...): -> # set unit system paragraph`:

  if self.units == "us":
      self.convert_volume_to_cy = 0.037 #ft3 -> cy: float((1/3)**3)
      self.unit_info = " cubic yard"
      self.volume_threshold = 0.99  # ft -- CHANGE lod US customary HERE --
      self.convert_volume_to_cy = 1.0  # m3
      self.unit_info = " cubic meter"
      self.volume_threshold = 0.30  # m -- CHANGE lod SI metric HERE --