Wiki & User Guide
Installation Install River Architect Update River Architect Launch River Architect Program file structure Requirements and dependencies Logfiles
Get Started Get Started Create Conditions Morphological unit Rasters Depth-to-water-table Rasters Detrended DEM Rasters Analyze Flows Input definition files Map extent definition files Geofile name conventions Prepare input Rasters
Lifespans Lifespan Design Introduction Quick GUIde Set threshold values (threshold_values.xlsx) Parameter hypothesis River design and restoration features Code extension and modification Max Lifespan Introduction Quick GUIde Output Working principles Code extension and modification
Morphology (Terraforming) River Reach definitions Modify Terrain Introduction Quick GUIde Threshold-based Grading and Widening (Broaden) River Builder Volume Assessment Introduction Quick GUIde Working principle Set level of detection
Ecohydraulics Seasonal Habitat Area Calculator (SHArC) Introduction Quick GUIde Physical Habitats for Fish SHArea calculation Working principles Edit Fish template Stranding Risk Introduction Quick GUIde Travel Thresholds Methodology References Riparian Seedling Recruitment (RSR) Introduction Quick GUIde Defining Criteria Methodology References
ProjectMaker Introduction Quick GUIde Cost quantity assessment Ecological benefit assessment (Calculate SHArea)
Mapping Introduction Layouts Modify symbology Extents Code information
Tools Introduction Scripts
Troubleshooting Known Issues How to troubleshoot Error messages Warning messages
Keywords combined Habitat Suitability Index (cHSI) Conditions Depth to groundwater Detrended DEM Features Input Files Lifespans and Return periods Morphological Units Parameter calculation Physical Habitat and Fish Reaches (river) Requirements Seasonal Habitat Area (SHArea) Threshold values (lifespans)
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Please refer to the Wiki or email us in the case of special support requests: river.architect.program [at]